

We are an alliance of over 70 European public and private organisations, covering the whole tourism value chain and beyond. Together we call on the European Union for action on key policy priorities for the sector.

Why we came together

In recent years we have witnessed fewer actions related to tourism and decreasing support from the EU policy makers, namely:

– The travel and tourism sector does not receive sufficient funding from the European Union compared to its social and economic value and positive impacts

– The European Commission’s 2010 Communication on Tourism requires an urgent update in light of the changing nature of our society and the new challenges and opportunities for the sector

– The Tourism Unit of DG GROW in the European Commission has lost budget and human resources, significantly reducing the Commission’s role in supporting Member States and tourism stakeholders

The issues impacting the travel and tourism sector are transnational and pan-European. Tourism needs a centralised approach and support in order to continue thriving. This is the reason why all players of the European tourism sector come together as ONE VOICE – the European Tourism Manifesto. Discover all supporting organisations.

Our Vision

Tourism in Europe to continue being a key driver for sustainable growth and job creation, fostering and promoting European values, cultural diversity, European way of life and EU citizenship on a global scale.

What we do

– We represent the travel and tourism sector towards the policy makers at EU level
– We provide our expertise to help the EU institutions formulate adequate legislation
– We act as a think-and-do tank, exchanging ideas, discussing opportunities and acting on common issues


May 2023
ETOA (Tim Fairhurst) takes over the Chairmanship and Secretariat of the alliance from ETC, while NECSTouR (Cristina Nuñez) and ETC (Eduardo Santander) support the work as Co-chairs.
June 2022
Alliance stakeholders celebrate the reopening of travel together with EU policy-makers.
March 2021
Launch of the advocacy campaign #TOURISM4RECOVERY.
December 2020
5th Anniversary of the alliance. Cristina Nuñez (NECSTouR) and Tim Fairhurst (ETOA) are appointed as Vice-Chairs.
September 2019
The European Tourism Manifesto alliance gathers 50 stakeholders from the tourism sector and other various sectors.
March, April & July 2019
Addressing the Council of the EU, Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth.
February 2019
Presentation of the ‘Tourism Legacy Paper’ to the President of the European Parliament.
April 2018
Launch of the advocacy campaign ‘More EU budget for Tourism’.
February 2018
Meeting UNWTO Secretary-General.
September 2017
Our Manifesto available in 23 languages of the EU. Click here to download.
April 2016
Presentation of our Manifesto at TRAN Hearing, European Parliament.
February 2016
The formation of the informal Tourism Manifesto alliance with a formal structure. The European Travel Commission (ETC) is appointed as Chair (Eduardo Santander) and Secretariat / Coordinator (Iulia Niculica).
December 2015
Launch of the Tourism Manifesto for Growth and Jobs by 24 tourism stakeholders.
September 2015
European Cyclists' Federation (ECF-EuroVelo) and the European Travel Commission (ETC) set the foundations of the Tourism Manifesto.